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Brently Heilbron's R. Kelly's Trapped in the Closet at SVT!

Posted: November 10th, 2009, 9:39 pm
by shando
Mark your calendars. December 17 and December 18 (Thursday and Friday) in the studio theater at SVT, Mr. Heilbron and a bunch of the LA cast (Mitch? Dustin? Jesse Schwartz? I don't know) will be putting up there totally awesome R. Kelly Trapped in the Closet. Not to be missed. Seriously, as ridiculous as the song is, Brently kills it with a totally sweet walking of the line of absolute earnestness and knowing spoofery. Plus he had to learn all them rapping words for a giant motherfucking song and it's a virtuoso performance. Plus, a petite woman as a male midget.

Shows at 10 pm, ticket info coming soon.

Posted: November 15th, 2009, 7:30 pm
by brently
Hey guys, I might need some people for this. I'll put a note in the casting section. I'm back in town in a few days, come hang out at Saba on the 22nd! ... 918&ref=ts[/url]

David Lampe and Liz Feldman getting Trapped!

Posted: November 23rd, 2009, 3:10 pm
by brently
David Lampe, Austin tycoon, has joined the Trapped cast as James the nasty cop and Liz Feldman from the Jay Leno show will be R. Kelly's long suffering wife Gwen. Holy Balls awesome!

Posted: December 17th, 2009, 2:48 pm
by shando
Bump!! This is tonight.

Also, my box office person for this evening has some kind of conflict, am looking for someone to lend a hand. Wanna see an awesome show for free?

Posted: December 17th, 2009, 3:52 pm
by SarahMarie
I am SO jealous!!!! I heard this show is the cats pajamas. And the cat left them in the closet and got stuck in there and had to sing about it...

I know this box position isn't filled yet. So PLEASE contact Shannon if you want in on this sweet action. I will also give you long, uncomfortable, delightful hugs for helping the SVT with box office.

(Think of the huuuuugs.)