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Open Mojo Kickball Tournament this Saturday Oct 10th

Posted: October 6th, 2009, 12:15 pm
by chicocarlucci
This weekend we will be having the first ever MojoKickball Tournament.

There is a $12 entry fee if you register online early.
$15 if you register at 10am the day of.

The Tournament is open to everyone, regardless of whether or not you have ever played or even heard of the game. You will be placed on a team by skill level. More details are on the website.

Some of you have asked me what MojoKickball was.
MojoKickball came about about 3 1/2 years ago when I came up with an idea for a multi-ball kickball sport that had elements of dodgeball, flag football and tag. Improvisers here in the community helped me workshop the game to a usable state. And as the community grew and more shows started happening, I stopped posting on the boards because I knew everyone was busy.

Well if you ever wanted to see the result of what happens when you organize improvisers together to help you with your pet project, this is it. It's a testament to how great the AIC is. So if you're interested, please register and we'll see you on Sat!


Posted: October 7th, 2009, 12:22 pm
by ChrisTrew.Com

Posted: October 8th, 2009, 6:39 pm
by spantell
Cool Is it free to watch?

Posted: October 9th, 2009, 1:01 pm
by EmilyBee
Foo. I was looking forward to this, but I've been down & out with fevery badness & can't see playing this weekend. Can I do next?