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Call for 3rd Thursday Volunteers!! Immediate Help needed!

Anything about the AIC itself.

Moderators: arclight, happywaffle

Call for 3rd Thursday Volunteers!! Immediate Help needed!

Post by Wesley »

THIRD THURSDAY is tomorrow and we need help handing out some flyers!

As you know, we have a brand new show, the Cage Match, and it needs some hype! The masses have a desire--NAY!!--a RIGHT to know about such entertainment! Are you one to squash the rights of another or are you a freedom fighter?

Phil is making up a handout flyer and Erika is getting them printed up and will help lead the distribution efforts. Don't let his work be for naught and don't let her distribute alone!! Have you people no heart?

If you can help, even for only a half and hour or so, please meet at the Amy's Ice Cream on Guadaloupe at 8:00 on Thursday the 17th.

Remember, helping one helps us all. Let's band together and fill those seats for this and all of our shows!

--Advertising Committee