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Jam On It! - September 8 Tuesday Night Jam

Listings of upcoming shows, classes, and other events.

Moderators: arclight, happywaffle, bradisntclever

Jam On It! - September 8 Tuesday Night Jam

Post by Spaztique »

I know there's only two hours left, but does anyone have an uneventful Tuesday Night they need spicing up? Then come on down to the Tuesday Night Jam at the Hideout Theatre on Seventh and Congress from 7-10 P.M..

SHRILL with excitement as you play the wacky warm-up games!

CHILL with fright as you play mind-boggling exercises to sharpen your improv skills!

THRILL as you get to play the same improv games in an ACTUAL MOCK SHOW like THE PROS!!!

Admission is only $0! Bring a friend for a 50% off discount, which is still $0, but THAT'S A PRETTY GOOD DEAL!!

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