McShane and Russell from Trophy Wife Workshops
Posted: July 16th, 2009, 7:15 am
We're happy to welcome Zabeth Russell and Kevin McShane to town. They are two members of the famed iOwest Harold team Trophy Wife. They'll be in town doing shows and teaching a couple of non Harold specific workshops. Their show at Phoenix Improv Festival is among the best shows I have ever seen. Hope to see you guys there!
You're Doing Enough: Simplifying Scenework with Zabeth Russell (Sunday, August 2nd, 12pm- 2pm)
Are your scenes getting bogged down with too much plot? Losing track of what you're doing and where you think should be going? Does it feel like work? It shouldn't. In this workshop, Zabeth Russell teaches you how to use the simple elements you've established in the first moments of a scene to create a fully satisfying, fleshed-out scene. You already have exactly what you need to get out of your head, get into the scene, and stop working so hard.
Zabeth Russell is a recent LA transplant by way of Boston, where she performed improv and sketch with the Mainstage cast of ImprovBoston. She was a founding member and later director of Boston’s first all-female improv troupe, Boston Creem. Film and TV credits include the PBS film Breaking the Mold, the FOX-TV pilot Page Six (which she also co-wrote) and the Clint Eastwood-directed Mystic River. You may have also seen her yell at Howie Mandel to quiet down in a commercial.
Building Characters with Kevin McShane (Sunday, August 2nd, 2pm - 4pm)
Tired of playing yourself in scenes? Or just playing yourself with a funny accent? In this workshop, Kevin McShane will provide you with the keys to creating engaging and fully-realized characters completely on the spot through a simple combination of physical and verbal choices. See how easy and enjoyable it can be to expand your range of characters in this fun-filled workshop.
Kevin McShane performs weekly with the long-running iOWest-based Harold Team Trophy Wife. He also has over a decade's experience directing, teaching, and performing improv at theaters, colleges, and festivals nationwide. His sole ambition in life is to slowly walk away from something as it blows up behind him.
Workshops are $25. Email Brent Foshee ( to reserve your spot. (Or paypal
You're Doing Enough: Simplifying Scenework with Zabeth Russell (Sunday, August 2nd, 12pm- 2pm)
Are your scenes getting bogged down with too much plot? Losing track of what you're doing and where you think should be going? Does it feel like work? It shouldn't. In this workshop, Zabeth Russell teaches you how to use the simple elements you've established in the first moments of a scene to create a fully satisfying, fleshed-out scene. You already have exactly what you need to get out of your head, get into the scene, and stop working so hard.
Zabeth Russell is a recent LA transplant by way of Boston, where she performed improv and sketch with the Mainstage cast of ImprovBoston. She was a founding member and later director of Boston’s first all-female improv troupe, Boston Creem. Film and TV credits include the PBS film Breaking the Mold, the FOX-TV pilot Page Six (which she also co-wrote) and the Clint Eastwood-directed Mystic River. You may have also seen her yell at Howie Mandel to quiet down in a commercial.
Building Characters with Kevin McShane (Sunday, August 2nd, 2pm - 4pm)
Tired of playing yourself in scenes? Or just playing yourself with a funny accent? In this workshop, Kevin McShane will provide you with the keys to creating engaging and fully-realized characters completely on the spot through a simple combination of physical and verbal choices. See how easy and enjoyable it can be to expand your range of characters in this fun-filled workshop.
Kevin McShane performs weekly with the long-running iOWest-based Harold Team Trophy Wife. He also has over a decade's experience directing, teaching, and performing improv at theaters, colleges, and festivals nationwide. His sole ambition in life is to slowly walk away from something as it blows up behind him.
Workshops are $25. Email Brent Foshee ( to reserve your spot. (Or paypal