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Parallelogramophonograph's Whistlestop* Tour

Posted: June 23rd, 2009, 2:36 pm
by kbadr
PGraph's hitting the road in less than 3 weeks!
7 cities! 9 days! 4 original PGraph formats!

What can you do to help?

Spread the word to all of your East cost brethren.

Here's the tour schedule:

July 9th, 8pm - Boston (Improv Boston) - Some Like it Improvised
July 10th, 8pm - Providence (Perishable Theater) - Villainy
July 11th, 8pm - NYC (The PIT) - Improvised French Farce
July 12th, 11am - NYC (workshop at The PIT) - Theatricality in Improv
July 13th, 6:30pm - Philadelphia (workshop at The Shubin Theater) - Theatricality in Improv
July 14th, 8pm - Philadelphia (The Shubin Theater) - Improvised French Farce
July 16th, 8pm - Baltimore (Hamilton Arts Collective) - GRIMM
July 17th, 8pm - Rehoboth Beach, Delaware (The Rehoboth Beach Library!) - GRIMM
July 18th, 9:30pm - Carrboro, NC (DSi Comedy Theater) - Some Like it Improvised
Links will be added as they go live.

Every time I type that out somewhere, I think we're insane.

We are.

Spread the word!

* No actual whistlestops **

** What's a whistlestop?

Posted: June 23rd, 2009, 2:44 pm
by vine311
You got a Facebook event set up? I can spread that to my east coast friends.

Posted: June 23rd, 2009, 3:32 pm
by kbadr
I created an event for the NY show.

I think I'll create an event for the entire tour and post that. I don't think I have all of the ticketing links yet, though.

Re: Parallelogramophonograph's Whistlestop* Tour

Posted: June 23rd, 2009, 4:21 pm
by djpenn
kbadr wrote:** What's a whistlestop?

Posted: June 23rd, 2009, 4:34 pm
by Jeff
I'll see to it that my bff in Boston comes to see Some Like It. It happens that his favorite genre of films is screwball comedies. His name is Tom.

Posted: June 23rd, 2009, 4:56 pm
by spantell
a marathon wasn't enough endurance for you guys?

Posted: June 29th, 2009, 8:10 pm
by kbadr
vine311 wrote:You got a Facebook event set up? I can spread that to my east coast friends.
Facebook events have been setup for all the shows. Please take a moment to spread them to people you know in the appropriate cities.

Events can be found on the Events tab of our facebook page:
