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Tuesday Night Improv Jam 06/15/09

Posted: June 15th, 2009, 10:39 pm
by TraceySu
Will there be one and if so, who's leading?

We learned some superfun games last week:
"Bunny, Bunny"
"Zip, Zap, Zop"
and "Yes"

In fact, "Bunny, Bunny" is my new favorite Improv game.

Posted: June 16th, 2009, 10:40 am
by kbadr
Hey guys, there will be a renter using the classroom until 7pm, so please wait until they're finished before going in the classroom. Thanks!

Posted: June 16th, 2009, 3:41 pm
by spantell
Is anyone leading the jam?

Posted: June 16th, 2009, 3:42 pm
by Roy Janik
spantell wrote:Is anyone leading the jam?
I'm working on it, but haven't gotten confirmation yet.

Posted: June 16th, 2009, 10:05 pm
by kbadr
This is just a gentle reminder to those who weren't around when the Tuesday Night Jam started.

The Tuesday Night Jam is an open jam, started by AIC members way back when. It is ideally led by no one and led by everyone. It was never intended to be a weekly class. It is a jam where you are encouraged to work on whatever you would like, and whatever the group would like. Come ready to play.

In the past there have been occasional more-experienced improvisers who take control of the jam and act leaders. This has led a lot of jammers to feel like they need a leader for a jam to happen. This is not the case. Please do not wait for someone to lead the jam before you start jamming! When enough improvisers show, start improvising!

Posted: June 16th, 2009, 11:44 pm
by indiana
kbadr wrote:This is just a gentle reminder to those who weren't around when the Tuesday Night Jam started.

The Tuesday Night Jam is an open jam, started by AIC members way back when. It is ideally led by no one and led by everyone. It was never intended to be a weekly class. It is a jam where you are encouraged to work on whatever you would like, and whatever the group would like. Come ready to play.

In the past there have been occasional more-experienced improvisers who take control of the jam and act leaders. This has led a lot of jammers to feel like they need a leader for a jam to happen. This is not the case. Please do not wait for someone to lead the jam before you start jamming! When enough improvisers show, start improvising!
Thanks for the clarification, Kareem. I guess in the future, someone simply needs to make sure the door is unlocked for the jam to be able to happen upstairs.

Posted: June 17th, 2009, 12:05 am
by Roy Janik
indiana wrote: Thanks for the clarification, Kareem. I guess in the future, someone simply needs to make sure the door is unlocked for the jam to be able to happen upstairs.
Also, if it is locked, call 512-HIDEOUT and we'll get you in. I'll make a sign with the number to put on the door.

Posted: June 17th, 2009, 1:03 am
by kristin
Roy Janik wrote:Also, if it is locked, call 512-HIDEOUT and we'll get you in. I'll make a sign with the number to put on the door.
ooh, can I make a woodburnt sign with the Hideout's number on it?