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Wild Wild Puppets - Final Show! Sunday, May 10th

Listings of upcoming shows, classes, and other events.

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  • sara farr Offline
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Wild Wild Puppets - Final Show! Sunday, May 10th

Post by sara farr »

Wild Wild Puppets is going out with a bang!! This Sunday, Mothers Day, is the final show. And in honor of the holiday, ALL MOTHERS GET IN FREE!!

Additionally, Demand Media, sponsored by Google/YouTube, will be there to film the show for a a series they are doing based on... can you guess???... PUPPETS!!

So come support the only improvised kids show in town (FTM) with puppets (PIP)!

Wild Wild Puppets
(Final Performance!)
The Hideout Theatre
Sunday, May 10th 2-3pm

Puppet Cast...
Jason Vines, Cody Melcher & Sara Farr (Amy McKenna on tech)