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Start Trekkin' at Bob Bullock Friday, May 8th

Posted: May 6th, 2009, 11:19 am
by troy
Start Trekkin', our improvised Trek parody, will be doing a special public performance at the Bob Bullock Museum this Friday, May 8th, as part of a grand celebration of all things Trek. Oh, and I guess the new movie is coming out, too.

Trekkin' will go on at 6:45.
The Austin Wind Symphony will do their "music of Star Trek" set at 8:00.
And then there'll be a Trek costume contest, judged by Mr. Boldy Go himself, Richard Garriott.

You can get into the museum and see the shows free.

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Posted: May 11th, 2009, 12:20 pm
by Roy Janik