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Full Bacteria

Posted: March 23rd, 2009, 7:44 pm
by dirty baby
The full bag of Baby Got Bacteria can be had this Saturday, March 28th at Emo's. Yes :: we are freakin' headlining Emo's on a Saturday night. Woot !!
Please come out and throw support, not only 'cause we're family, babe, but also because this is gonna be a really great show. Check it out :

Baby Got Bacteria and the Brass Ovaries Pole Dancers
w/ special guests Churchwood & Opposite Day

Indeed: there will be --as usual-- live pole and hoop dancing directly in front of the Bacteria ensemble in the big indoor room at Emo's, the little Houston punk club that could. Typically eight or nine dancers --an assortment of the athletic & the exotic-- perform to the groove of BGB.

Advance (and slightly cheaper) tickets available here :: ... nueId=emos


Posted: March 24th, 2009, 4:17 pm
by The Drewd
Emo's started in Houston. Didn't know that. Austin needs its own wikipedia.