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Laughing releases more endorphins than sex.....

Posted: March 16th, 2009, 5:04 pm
by Belinda
and is more healing, so I'm either a Doctor or a Prostitute.

I hope this doesn't violate anyone's sense of Improv-Only postings, but I thought I'd let everyone know about my stand-up show!!

Join me Rusty Spurs (7th and Trinity) on Wednesday MARCH 25th at 8pm where I am going to be featured at Gaylaughapalooza!! YAY!!

Never mind the normal quickie. Nope. I get to warm you up and finish you off on the 25th.

Your host Alex Garza is and your headliner is Allie Rolison. Even your vibrator won't be able to out produce the endorphins that this show will create.

The cover is $5.00 to benefit the Trevor Project. We will also be raffling off tickets to The 'Funniest Person in Austin Contest' tickets. All proceeds to benefit the Trevor Project.

It's the only dedicated Gay/Lesbian/ Transgendered suicide prevention hot line and I would love if you'd come out and give those folks some money!!

Posted: March 16th, 2009, 5:56 pm
by arthursimone

Posted: March 17th, 2009, 9:25 am
by Belinda
If only I had flash at work, I could watch.

Poor me.