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Improv Zero + Shootaround Tonight

Posted: March 4th, 2009, 3:48 pm
by ChrisTrew.Com

Next week's Weekly Workshop is: Playing Straight w/ Tami Nelson!
Sign up for the weekly workshop with

Posted: March 4th, 2009, 4:03 pm
by Spaztique
Longform... improv... jam?...




You know I'll be there with bells, tamborines, and noise makers on.

Edit: I came, I saw, I fell in love with this longform jam. I'd even go as far as to say that this blows the Tuesday Night Jam out of the water. While the Tuesday Night Jam may be for beginners and all, this is the kind of pro jam I've been longing for: organic, plenty of stage time for everyone who came, lots of practical longform practice in a risk-free environment with no time limit on the scenes, and mostly composed of intermediate-to-experienced improvisers.

How organic/risk-free/experienced? I walked in a tad late and jumped into a scene ten seconds after entering the building. Plus, everyone was quick to jump at games, grounded scenes, absurdity, and everything in between, and everyone knew how to do tagouts or walk-ons properly.

Sweet peaches, this was 50 kinds of awesome!

Seriously, if you aren't in a troupe, want some longform improv experience, and/or want something a little more advanced than the regular Jam, GO TO THIS!!! It will not disappoint!

I cannot wait until next Wednesday.

Posted: March 5th, 2009, 9:53 am
by KathyRose
I thoroughly enjoyed both the Improv Zero sample class and the long-form Shootaround jam that followed it. Both are highly recommended!

Like David, I've been longing for some "real" scene practice vs. the silly game practice that you get at the Hideout's Tuesday night jam. Not that there's anything wrong with the Alphabet Game or Speaking in One Voice, etc.; it's just not what I want to be doing.

Yes, I know that 'Lost' comes on Wednesday nights, but you can always watch the episode later on


Posted: March 5th, 2009, 10:16 am
by Lants
Damn... why is everything awesome on Wednesdays?

I propose that all awesome things get together, have a meeting, and spread the awesomeness out through-out the week.