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Cage Match Registration Now Open-1st Round March 7th!!

Posted: January 25th, 2009, 6:08 pm
by Michael
Msg. from the Cage Match Commissioner

You're probably saying to yourself: But Mr. Cage Match Commissioner, Registration for Cage Match:Cries from the Abyss is already closed and the semifinals are almost here. What do you mean registration is open? I'm confused!?!?

Well, it's ok. Don't worry because :

The Cage Match is now looking for submissions for the next tournament starting March 7th.
Deadline for submission: Feb 5th.

All shows will be Saturdays at 9:00p @ Coldtowne Theater. 2 teams (1-on-1 format) 22 minutes a piece. Teams will warm up in the parking lot, as Stool Pigeon will still run from 8:00-9:00p.

Please take a look and indicate what dates your troupe is available for.

March 7th: 1 vs 8
March 14th: 4 vs 5
March 28th: 3 vs 6
April 4th: 2 vs 7
April 11th: 1/8 vs 4/5
April 18th: 3/6 vs. 2/7

To register for the Cage Match, ONE member of your team must submit ALL of the following information to me via EMAIL (mjameswilliams AT with the Subject Line: Cage Match-Cries from the Abyss .
Team Name:
List of Members:
Description of Format/Style:
Publicity Blurb (short):
Hype Blurb (no limit!):
phone number:

***scheduling is gonna be TIGHT TIGHT TIGHT, and this round can only hold 8 teams so get 'em in quick.
Again--Deadline: February 5th!!!

Thank You
Cage Match Commissioner
Michael Williams

Posted: January 30th, 2009, 4:00 pm
by Michael
There are still some spots left, get 'em in!! February 5th is the deadline, the sooner the better.

-commissioner of CM