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The Pattern is Everything - November 16th 12:00-2:00p

Posted: October 26th, 2008, 10:16 pm
by ChrisTrew.Com
(as recently seen at the New Orleans Improv Festival)
The Pattern is Everything
We've all used patterns games as a warm up - but what if you approached each and every line in your scene with a strict respect for the pattern that you and your scene partner are mutually establishing? In this workshop, ColdTowne Theater Artistic Director Chris Trew will show you how he approaches every line in every scene - and by the end of the workshop you will have an alternative road map to take with you into all the improv you do, making your job as an improviser a little easier and a lot more fun.
Reserve your spot with payment to Tami Nelson or Chris Trew (or show up)

Class limit - 14
Sunday November 16th 12:00p-2:00p
$10 cash or check

Posted: October 27th, 2008, 2:42 am
by K_Q
Just checking - the workshop is at Coldtowne?

Posted: October 27th, 2008, 11:02 am
by ChrisTrew.Com
Good question. Yes.

Posted: October 31st, 2008, 5:41 pm
by ChrisTrew.Com
Slots still open, Bump!
(feel free to just show up)

Posted: November 2nd, 2008, 12:20 pm
by ChrisTrew.Com
da final bumb


Posted: November 3rd, 2008, 11:00 pm
by BriHo
Dangit! I had this scheduled for next Sunday. Is there any way you'd be willing to do this again? From what I heard, at NOLA, this workshop blew people's mind from St. Louis and other, wilder parts... and although we get a lot of this information as Coldtowne Students, I'd like to take this with a fresh group just to re-register in my mind how amazingly important patterns are in improv, and how f-cking fun they are establishing them.

I know of at least four fairly new improvisers that were pretty riled up when I mentioned this after NOLA, and, well, I think I can convince a few others as well.


Posted: November 4th, 2008, 10:28 am
by ChrisTrew.Com
We can do Sunday the 16th at Noon. Let's do it!
It's official.

Posted: November 4th, 2008, 10:36 am
by K_Q
Oh thank goodness. I had it scheduled on a different day, too. I'll be there.

Posted: November 10th, 2008, 3:54 pm
by ChrisTrew.Com
This is filling up, but still some room. PM me if you plan on coming!

Posted: November 13th, 2008, 11:23 am
by ChrisTrew.Com
This has been moved to the United States Art Authority - next to Spider House!

Posted: November 16th, 2008, 12:09 am
by ChrisTrew.Com
See you soon!