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April 22nd's Maestro Rocked

Posted: April 24th, 2006, 12:37 am
by Wesley
I just want to reinforce what was already said by Andy, Roy, and others in person and elsewhere: that Saturday night's Maestro (cast and show) rocked. It was a solid show that really worked on a number of levels. I think the audience definitely left happy.

Personally, I don't feel that I played to the top of my ability, but I still had a blast playing with everyone. That is to say that usually, when I have a weak show, I worry about it and dwell on my games. But this time I just felt blessed to be up there with that cast...far more than I was down on myself. I had a blast and I can't wait to do it again.

There was incredible player energy and a group mind that came through over and over again. The direction was good and the game choices covered a wide gamut of skills and difficulty levels. There was a great interaction with the audience, from riling up that one girl to giving that other girl a dating video for her birthday (Marc, great question about the boyfriend). Everyone had strong moments, even if they went out in the first or second cut. Even sound and lights had strong choices and many good moments.

The warm-ups went smooth and there was a lot of organic warm-up shifts, contribution and participation, and director's involvement. Everyone who played seemed to want to play and the support level was great (from baby Kareem to Christina's alphabet (with support for the support)). Kareem and I were talking and we were discussing the energy level in Beastie Rap (wow) and the way that we really saved each other a lot better and faster than usual in song circle (and used a lot of new songs). Before the show even began, there was a great feeling of comraderie and excitement that ran through everyone.

I loved it and I hope we see a lot more Maestros over the next few weeks and months with that level of energy, dedication, and skill.