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ComedySportz Reunion Scrimmages

Posted: October 3rd, 2008, 2:27 pm
by fbillac
Hello Funny Friends,

A long time ago in the city you live in, ComedySportz debuted. And guess what? It's coming back. Les McGehee of National Comedy Theatre is bringing back some familiar CSz faces of yore and some new ones too for a run at Kick Butt Coffee.

ComedySportz, for those in the huh?, is a short-form competitive show that pits two teams against each other in a battle for laughs. It is a family show and there are rules to keep it such as well as penalties for going "there". Don't worry, every show is a BLAST!

It is where I got my start and some of the Cold Town folks started with CSz New Orleans (that's right, CSz is a national franchise).

If you are interested is creating a team (3 to 4 players) and throwing down, PM me and I will provide more insight to the show style as well as details for the run.

Show times are Saturdays at 6PM and typically last about 90 min(yay! you have plenty of time to play in the 8pm and later shows at Hideout or CT or SVT, etc.).


Posted: October 3rd, 2008, 4:10 pm
by Matt
Bring it on.

Posted: October 3rd, 2008, 11:05 pm
by LuBu McJohnson
I am interested...

Posted: October 10th, 2008, 12:38 pm
by fbillac

I wanted to drop you a line and let you know the plan for this Saturday. All of you who showed interest and that are available should show up tomorrow at 5 pm. We are going to do something we used to do for CSz tournaments and play a sort of Round-Robin style. I’ll explain more tomorrow.

Dress is pretty simple; jeans, sneakers and some sort of sports team shirt (if you have an old CSz shirt, wear it).

Chances are we will break everybody up into separate 3 or 4-person teams so if you have a team in mind, get with them now and come up with a team name. Also be thinking about your own nick name. For example:

Dav “Another Brick in theâ€

it's about time!

Posted: October 20th, 2008, 4:42 pm
by Buddharage
Hell yeah! I got my start in the high school csz league and it's always been my dream to join the pros. Some guys had football. I had improv.

Good, family fun that everyone can enjoy. I'm psyched to see it back in ATX!!!

Re: it's about time!

Posted: October 20th, 2008, 8:34 pm
by bradisntclever
Buddharage wrote:Hell yeah! I got my start in the high school csz league and it's always been my dream to join the pros. Some guys had football. I had improv.

Good, family fun that everyone can enjoy. I'm psyched to see it back in ATX!!!
I seem to remember this as being one of the main reasons for your decision to start up Gigglepants... Pretty cool.