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assignment: über famous

Posted: September 9th, 2008, 9:55 am
by agentImprov
flash mob austin has planned their next mission and boy oh boy is it a good one! check out all the deets at: ... c%3A314869

want to get in on this assignment? have questions? love rabbits?

Posted: September 9th, 2008, 12:51 pm
by acrouch
Good idea. You could tell everyone to be playfully ambiguous about what she's famous for. "Um, I think she mostly does movies, but she had an album last year, right?" "No way, she was dating Brad Pitt when he and Angelina broke up for that month or two."

reminder, it's tonight!!

Posted: September 26th, 2008, 1:37 pm
by agentImprov
hey folks,
to put it bluntly, tonight we rock this mission. we want you to join us! seriously, we've seen talent at the jams especially and would LOVE love love any of you to come out and participate, it's going to be a riot. well, not literally... i mean unless the paparazzi wear neon, that wouldn't be cool.

yeah! you in? see you at 10pm for assignments at republic square park. ... amous.html