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Take advantage of Tom Booker's "2 for 1 Yes & Speci

Posted: July 31st, 2008, 11:27 am
by The Institution Theater
"An Improvised Life: A series of one-sided conversations with Tom Booker" HAS BEEN EXTENDED!!!

Okay. Maybe it hasn't been "officially" extended. Maybe what really happened was that I didn't realize that I committed to two more weekends at The Hideout Theatre. Well, you know what that means, my memory loss is your gain!!! Because of my screw up you now get four whole more chances to see the critically acclaimed show "An Improvised Life: A series of one-sided conversation with Tom Booker".

Okay. Maybe it this show hasn't been critically acclaimed by "official" critics but my friend Marci told me that she enjoyed the show and she can be very, very critical.

What will you see, hear and feel while watching "Tom Booker's An Improvised Life: A Series Of One-Sided Conversations with Tom Booker"? Well, read on!

You will see Tom Booker cry on Babylon 5!
You will hear Tom Booker's letter from convicted serial killer John Wayne Gacy!
You will feel embarrassed for Tom Booker when you watch portions of his 1993 MTV Sketch Comedy pilot, "Head Cheese"!

You, lucky theater goer, have four more opportunities to see and hear the tale of my journey through Chicago, New York, Hollywood and beyond! Performances are happening on August 1st, 2nd, 8th and 9th at 8 p.m. at The Hideout Theatre (617 Congress Avenue) tickets are only $10!

Call (512) 895-9580 for reservations or just show up!

And because you are a proud and loyal reader of the Austin Improv Forums (when you really should be working right now) you can take advantage of "Tom Booker's 2 for 1 Yes & Special" on Friday, August 1st. All you have to do is show up and when you approach the friendly ticket person who will ask you, "Are you here to see An Improvised Life: A Series of One-Sided Conversations with Tom Booker?" If you respond by saying "Yes & I think that Tom Booker KICKS ASS!" You and a friend will get in for the price of one admission! Think that I'm lying?! I challenge you to show up and prove me wrong!

See you tomorrow night for the "Tom Booker 2 for 1 Yes & Special"!!!

Posted: July 31st, 2008, 11:42 am
by Roy Janik
You will see Tom Booker cry on Babylon 5!
I bought the whole episode on ITunes last night and watched it. Oh, Jinxo. you showed them all, didn't you?

Posted: July 31st, 2008, 1:00 pm
by bradisntclever
Roy Janik wrote:
You will see Tom Booker cry on Babylon 5!
I bought the whole episode on ITunes last night and watched it. Oh, Jinxo. you showed them all, didn't you?
He will find the grail.

Posted: July 31st, 2008, 6:10 pm
by The Institution Theater
bradisntclever wrote:
Roy Janik wrote:
You will see Tom Booker cry on Babylon 5!
I bought the whole episode on ITunes last night and watched it. Oh, Jinxo. you showed them all, didn't you?
He will find the grail.
My THOMAS!!! (That is the last line uttered by me on my episode of Babylon 5 as I go out into space to find The Holy Grail.)