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Help me write my show!

Posted: July 10th, 2008, 3:23 pm
by The Institution Theater
Help me write this show!

Okay, here's the story: I, Tom Booker, told Andy, the guy who runs the Hideout Theatre, that I would put up a show for a three week run beginning on July 11th. Well, time went by and as fate would have it, I didn't do a damn thing! In all fairness to me, I was very, very busy. (Self pity takes up a lot of time.) Anyway, I'm going to put up a one man show about my life. Because in addition to taking up a lot of time, self pity makes for great theater. This is where you come in.

I need you to come to The Hideout Theatre on Friday, July 11th and/or Saturday, July 12th at 8 p.m. and help me write the show. "How?" you ask. It's simple. I talk. You listen. "What are we going to talk about?" you ask. Whatever you want. That's the beauty of it! It's a win/win.

"Wait!" you scream. "Why would I want to pay to see this?" you ask. This is where it get even better. You don't have to pay to see this. And the end of the night I'll pass the hat around and if you want to, you can put some money in it. If you don't want to put any money in the hat, just say "Nice hat." and pass it to your buddy.

The show, "An Improvised Life: A Series Of One-Sided Conversations with Tom Booker" will open next week. That is as long as you show up and do your part.

Does this sound crazy, stupid and lazy? Probably. But I've done something like this before and it turned out okay. Hopefully the same thing will happen with this show.

Click on this link and see what I'm talking about:

Call me or email me if you have any questions. I hope to see you tomorrow and/or Saturday.

Your Pal,
Tom Booker
(512) 895-9580