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OoB West place to crash

Posted: May 12th, 2008, 2:23 pm
by actn23
Hey there. So, I just posted my blurb in the introductions, if you need to know who I am. Anyway, I wanted to offer my place to stay for those of you coming out of OoB West. My roommate and I live in the valley near the border of Burbank and Glendale, and we can house up to 5 people pretty comfortably. I know it's a bit of a hike to Santa Monica (maybe 45 minutes-1 hour w/ traffic), but it's free! Plus, I have a really flexible schedule and can pick people up at the airport and drive to the festival. So, if you still need a place to stay, shoot me an email. actn23 at hotmail dot com.

See you there,

Posted: May 12th, 2008, 6:16 pm
by beardedlamb
hey ashley,
jeremy lamb here. i co-produce the oobwest festival. thanks for posting this. we could always use housing help. Let me know if anyone takes you up on the offer and we can hook you up with some tickets to shows for helping out.

hopefully, we'll see you out at the shows.
