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FREE ticket to new wave singalong tonight

Posted: April 24th, 2008, 12:10 pm
by poetreegurl
hey, this is chris allen's sister and i'm in town from colorado. i have two tickets to tonight's new wave singalong at the alamo ritz. singing starts at 915. my friend backed out on me and now i'm going alone. don't wanna go alone. anybody out there wanna meet me there?? FREE ticket!! :D gimme a hollah back here on the forum. or leave me a voicemail at 512-484-9985 :)amy

re: new wave singalong

Posted: April 24th, 2008, 6:25 pm
by poetreegurl
to matt and anyone else who might have been interested. i've found someone to go with me mother. how cool is that?!? much thanks. :)amy

Posted: April 25th, 2008, 10:01 am
by HerrHerr
I do not have a sister.

Posted: April 25th, 2008, 12:46 pm
by bradisntclever
HerrHerr wrote:I do not have a sister.
Ha. I've been waiting for this post. Excellent.

Posted: April 26th, 2008, 3:27 pm
by Jeff
HerrHerr wrote:I do not have a sister.
so awesome