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City Council Candidate Forum - Please Come Out

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  • Miggy Offline
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City Council Candidate Forum - Please Come Out

Post by Miggy »

I know a lot of y'all are registered to vote so I wanted to make sure that folks know about the very important local elections coming up soon on May 10th (early voting starts April 28th).

As big as the national elections are, the local ones might actually have a bigger impact on your day to day life. They're very important and I encourage everyone to get out and vote.

Don't know the candidates? If not - I've got a great event for you! I'm in an organization (DANA - the Downtown Austin Neighborhood Association) which together with the Downtown Austin Alliance is putting on a candidate forum next Wednesday, April 23rd from 6:30 to 9:30pm.

Scheduling has been extremely difficult this year and we were initially supposed to have the forum in city hall (cost = $0). We got bumped for official business and had to scramble for a location. Now we will be having this at the very classy Austin Club at 110 East 9th St in the old Millet Opera House which is about two blocks North of the Hideout. In order to reserve that – we had to do catering (cost = $1750).

In part because we’re now blowing a lot of money on free food and drinks – we’re really trying hard to get folks to turn out for this. It’s open to the public and you can meet these fine folks:

Clockwise, Lee Leffingwell, Jason Meeker, Randi Shade, Cid Galindo, Laura Morrison, Jennifer Kim


For those motivated by consumables, this was what I was sent:
We are serving coffee, water, tea and sodas from 6:30 to 8:30 and then beer, wine and food from 8:30 to 9:30. Food includes a chicken dish and jalapeno bites, chips with queso and salsa, and coconut shrimp bites.
Please come out, please ask questions, please vote!

Last edited by Miggy on April 17th, 2008, 5:02 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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  • Jeff Offline
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Post by Jeff »

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  • Miggy Offline
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Post by Miggy »

Bump - again - everyone's welcome. If you haven't met the candidates - this is as good a time as any.

We have pretty much a full house, Leffingwell has to send a surrogate, but (from Left to Right) Ken Weiss, Alan Demling, Robin Cravey and Sam Osemen have RSVP'd:


And potentially, these two also (Jennifer Gale and Ken Vaseau). They didn't RSVP but if history is any guide they'll come in and make a scene - high drama and low politics!! Come see it first hand!


That's every registered candidate. Endorsements from our organization and the Chronicle come out tomorrow.
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