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Pretend You Are Rich! Art Auction

Posted: March 28th, 2008, 12:39 pm
by arthursimone
I'm apparently going to be Mr. Fabulous auctioneer tonight....
should be interesting, lots of artists participating including myself!

Friday, March 28 at Pump Project Art Complex
702 Shady Lane, Austin TX
Silent Auction: 6pm-11pm
Live Auction with the Fabulous Mr. Auction: 7pm-9pm

This is no ordinary auction. This is the 5th ever, Austin's 2nd Pretend You Are Rich! Art Auction. There will be live music. There will be parsley-garnished food. There will be drinks with little plastic swords.

Held on March 28 from 6pm to 11pm at Pump Project Art Complex, this auction provides a means for people to get their hands on great local art at knock-off prices, and put money into the hands of local celebrity artists including Tim Brown, William Hundley, Doug Weber, Gerardo Arellano , Cantanker's Debra Broz , and many talented others (we wouldn't want to tip off the paps).

Here's how it works: the minimum bid is $3000, but the highest bidder gets an instant $3000 rebate. So if you bid $3050, all you pay is fifty dollars! $3200, only $200, and if you bid one million dollars, all you pay is $997,000!!!

Coldtowne Theater's Arthur Simone will portray the Fabulous Mr. Auction. He is full of wit and hilarity, and loves to share it with his audience. This is an improvisational extravaganza not to miss. Blueblood/ghetto fabulous/international playboy/Texas oilman/sheik/Hollywood (whatever your definition of definition of "fabulously wealthy") attire encouraged.

Posted: March 28th, 2008, 12:48 pm
by kerri
i went to the last mini version of this and highly sugest it. i got a kick ass painting for 30 bucks. if you are looking for some original art or gifts its a great place to go.

Posted: March 28th, 2008, 3:32 pm
by kaci_beeler
Ah, shucks, that sounds great! Unfortunately I'll be out of town.

art is good

Posted: March 29th, 2008, 5:42 pm
by Alex Nixon
Damn! I wish I could have come

Next time.

art is good

PS Hope you made a living.