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Posted: February 22nd, 2008, 6:56 am
by Roy Janik

Here is the Austin Improv Collective Friday night schedule for MARCH/APRIL.

Please read this all the way through and share with your troupe.

The official version of the schedule is here:

That page will always be the most up-to-date and current version of the schedule.

A few notes:

1) If you haven't already, please send Michael Mcgill the name and mailing address of the person who should receive payment checks for your troupe. This will streamline the payment process in the future. Michael also needs the person's social security number, but you may want to give that to him over the phone or in person.

2) The order of troupes in the schedule is the order troupes are scheduled to perform in the show.

3) Call time for your show is 1 hour before showtime. Running late is not an excuse for changing the show order.

4) If your troupe cannot perform, or a significant percentage of your troupe cannot be there, contact me so I can find a replacement or negotiate a swap with another troupe.

5) If something comes up the night of the performance, call Ann Wilson, the stage manager. Failing that, call Andy Crouch at 512-HIDEOUT. Failing THAT, call me at 512-NETRANK. Go ahead and put those numbers in your phone now.

6) If you are scheduled to host, it is up to you and any other host troupes to have people fill the following roles for each show:
a) someone to sell tickets in the box office
b) MC to host the show
c) tech person to work lights and sound
d) ticket taker to take tickets at the top of the stairs

In addition, it is the responsibility of the host troupe(s) to make sure the green room and theater are clean at the end of the night.

Thanks for being a part of the AIC. If you've got any questions or concerns, just let me know.

As always, drop by the forums and say hi to the world:


Again, go to to view the schedule.