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The After-Meeting Thursday Meeting

Posted: March 27th, 2006, 12:58 am
by ChrisTrew.Com
I just left my Mythology meeting where I discussed with LB and Jerm the Thursday night thing. Essentially what happened is that Thursdays are clean, free, and ready to be taken over.

So that feeling we all had, that wonderful electricity, is going to happen.


Posted: March 27th, 2006, 1:21 am
by Evilpandabear
I'm really excited about the discussed possible format for thursday nights. I think it should go over really well, and I just want to say that Chris Trew is the perfect person to run the thursday night slot... even if he is a little creepy =p

Posted: March 27th, 2006, 1:23 am
by valetoile
It was so energizing to have a solution that people were all excited about, rather than a compromise that everyone was okay with. The power of improv!