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The final Sickest F***ing Stories

Posted: December 10th, 2007, 12:58 am
by Asaf
Hey all.

The Sickest F***ing Stories I Ever Heard is going to take an indefinite hiatus.

It is free for improvisers, so come check it out and bring your non-improv friends.

Sickest F***ing Stories I Ever Heard
Thursday, December 13th

Matt Bearden
John Rabon
Jason Vines
Chuck Watkins

hosted by yours truly.

P.S. I could use some help with Box Office if someone wants to earn a free drink.

Posted: December 10th, 2007, 10:40 pm
by bethwarriorprincess

I am sorry to hear that it is going away for now. I thought it was delightfully sick, just the way this lady likes it.


Posted: December 11th, 2007, 10:22 am
by Asaf
It will be back at some point. There are certain things I need in plae first.

And by the by, can anyone do box office for me?

Posted: December 13th, 2007, 10:31 am
by Asaf
Tonight tonight tonight tonight.

Be a part of the bacchanal.