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Christmas Sketch Show @ The Hideout This weekend!

Posted: December 3rd, 2007, 12:11 pm
by Toskie
If you're anything like me, you don't give to charity. Why? Because you can't write checks anymore because you used to bounce them like a goddamn basketball.

But what if giving to charity were as easy as going out to see a really cool Christmas show at the Hideout this Thursday, Friday, or Saturday?

All our profits from the show will go directly to LifeWorks Austin. LifeWorks offers a comprehensive network of services to more than 10,000 Austin youth and families every year. LifeWorks' services to runaway and homeless youth are a national model, providing a pathway from street life to self-sufficiency. The money raised from our show specifically, will go directly to their newly renovated emergency shelter.

In a show of support, Ken Webster, Kirk Lynn, and Wayne Alan Brenner have all donated to the show in the form of short, vaugely Christmas related scenes. Combined with scenes penned by members of the St. Idiot Collective, and Is That Science?, the results are fun as hell to behold.

Checking It Twice
December 6th, 7th, and 8th - 8pm
The Hideout Theater, 617 Congress
Tickets: $8 at the door, $6 at

Posted: December 3rd, 2007, 12:14 pm
by improvstitute
Lifeworks is a GREAT organization! Pats on the back for you guys for doing this show and helping them out!!!


The show opens tonight...

Posted: December 6th, 2007, 11:23 am
by Toskie
The show opens tonight...and I'm dying for people to buy their tickets online.


I'm offering FREE MILK AND COOKIES to anyone who reads the forum and wants to come out to the show.

But you have to know the password.

Tonight's password is... vulva.

Just walk up to the box office, say vulva, and BAM free milk and cookies, where other poor fools have to pay.

Hope to see some people there!


"Checking It Twice"
December 6th, 7th, and 8th - 8pm
The Hideout Theater, 617 Congress
Tickets: $8 at the door, $6 at[/b][/i]

Posted: December 6th, 2007, 3:37 pm
by HerrHerr
This is a great crew. If I can wing it, I'm gonna check it out Friday. Good writers and performers.

Some damn sweet sketch comedy!

Posted: December 7th, 2007, 3:59 pm
by Toskie
Tonight's free cookie password...


Just say that to me after the show and sweet sweet milk and cookies will be your reward.
