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AIC awards banquet official information

Posted: November 14th, 2007, 1:39 pm
by valetoile
Hello Everyone!

The AIC love fest is this Sunday, November 18. It will be held at Shannon McCormick's house, which is near Cameron Road. An email will be sent out to everyon with his address. If you need the address, you can email him as well.

12:30: Organizers arrive to set up
1:00: General arrival- party starts! Mingling etc.
2:00: Group Picture! Be sure to arrive in time to be in it.
2:30: Fooding
3:00: awards and other presentations, should last an hour or two.
afterwards, more mingling and joy, with general cleanup starting around 5:30 so that we can clear out of Shannon's around 6:00

What to bring?
Food! Sign up in the potluck signup here:

Bring your own alcoholic beverages. Orf is kindly donating a mostly full keg of his brew for the event, but it won't serve 50 people

Bring family and loved ones, because they help make us awesome!

Bring nice things to say about each other. We'll be having the love envelopes again, where everyone makes their own envelope, hangs it up, and other folks can write notes, anonymous or signed, and leave them for everyone to tell them how awesome they are.

bring blankets and folding chairs for picnicing in the back yard.

I'll be contacting the folks who volunteered to help with tech stuff and photos to get it all arranged.

Feel free to dress fancy.