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Hummerlimo Potluck Party Thread

Posted: November 12th, 2007, 1:58 pm
by madeline
Hey everydude and everychick! Get up on my new hummmmmerlimo - her name is Oreo!


I had the interior imported from a dream I had in the 80's. Wicked!


I've got G 'n' R on the radio, but feel free to change it up!

There's little bottles of micro-brewed single origin malt liquor in the minibar,
and we've got a case of limited edition Oreos, with such flavors as "Roses 'n' Cream", "Gray Salted Caramel Morel Swirl" and my favorite, "Chocolate Nightmare".


Whoops, looks like my baby brother got into the "Chocolate Nightmare" series. Guess he won't be sleepin' much for the next 3 weeks?! Haha!

If you board the party Oreo, bring something in the spirit of our radical potluck! Woooooooooo!!!!

*christens Oreo with a bottle of organic milk from the locally-owned feminist anarchist farm, guzzles remainder*

Posted: November 12th, 2007, 2:37 pm
by madeline
Aw damn, I just cut out eyeholes in my Abe Lincoln Stovepipe Hat - shit is delirious!

Posted: November 12th, 2007, 2:38 pm
by LisaJackson
Hey, that's in front of the University of Tampa.

Posted: November 12th, 2007, 2:40 pm
by Milquetoast
I'm hiding in the minibar in a me-shaped cavity.

Posted: November 12th, 2007, 2:40 pm
by madeline
Good eyes, girl! That shit is a true marzipan UTamp reproduction I got set up in front of my Town Lake mansion. Take a bite, that shit is gourmet!

<3 architecture

Posted: November 12th, 2007, 2:42 pm
by shando
<3 Madz

Posted: November 12th, 2007, 2:51 pm
by madeline
w00t! :D

*gives shannon bowl of delicious free rice*

Posted: November 12th, 2007, 2:54 pm
by madeline
The rice cooker's on high! Junko Matsumuri, master sushi chef, will be coming by and making some tight fanciful rolls, y'all!


yo, milquey, i'll toss down a couple nigiri for ya!

Posted: November 12th, 2007, 2:57 pm
by scook
That interior is mesmerizing. Is that Sweet Child o Mine I hear?

Posted: November 12th, 2007, 3:18 pm
by shando
madeline wrote:w00t! :D

*gives shannon bowl of delicious free rice*
*Gives the rice back. But to the poor.

Posted: November 12th, 2007, 3:48 pm
by TexasImprovMassacre
are you girls playing guitar hero?

Posted: November 12th, 2007, 3:48 pm
by kaci_beeler
I want to pile in Oreo and puke out a rainbow!

Posted: November 12th, 2007, 3:50 pm
by shando
Which then pukes a rainbow. Ad infinitum.


Posted: November 12th, 2007, 5:51 pm
by HerrHerr

you can't take the heat get yo' ass out the kitchen
we're on a mission

Come along and ride on a fantasic voyage
slide slide slippity-slide
with switches on the block in a '65
Come along and ride on a fantasic voyage
slide slide who-ride
ain't no valley low enough for mountain high


Posted: November 12th, 2007, 6:09 pm
by madeline
Holy crap, we're going 100 miles/hour!

Stephanie's on 'er knees rippin up "Sweet Child o' Mine" riffs on Guitar Hero with a rose in her mouth!

Beeler + The Rainbow are Holding Hands and Barfing beautiful ROYGBIV babies (the rainbow's eyes are tearing up but Kaci's eyes are full of laughter)!

Shannon & Milquey are Answering World Hunger with Furious Fistsfulls of Rice!

Chris + Cody are C+C Dance Factory killing and resurrecting what it means to be B-Boys! Funkmaster Flex has just given them medallions with portraits of themselves wearing laurel wreaths cuz they're champions! They just sweat out some magical glitter and it flew in my eyes! This is what I'm seeing:
