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Tuesday Night Jam - 10/03/07

Posted: October 26th, 2007, 12:32 pm
by Wesley
All Hallow's Eve Eve! Spooky...

Sadly, I can't be there this week. However, I encourage everyone who can to come jam! It's at the Hideout Theater from 7 to 10 as always!

Posted: October 26th, 2007, 1:01 pm
by Asaf
Do you need someone to lead it? Because I can do that.

Posted: October 30th, 2007, 4:48 pm
by hujhax
Is this still on for tonight?


Posted: October 30th, 2007, 4:55 pm
by Roy Janik
hujhax wrote:Is this still on for tonight?

Yep. It's always on. Even though the jam has been tightly led recently, it can and should go on regardless of if there's anyone to 'lead' it.

If Asaf or Wes or whoever isn't there, just take turns suggesting and running exercises/games/whatevers you're interested in doing.

Posted: October 30th, 2007, 9:50 pm
by Lindsey
Just want to thank everyone who showed up. We had a bunch of newbies and several regulars. Good jamming all!

Posted: October 31st, 2007, 3:12 am
by Spaztique
I held the fort after Lindsey left. We did a couple line games, and we ended with a montage, which tied together nicely, with story arcs about matadors, an abusive husband, and a hooker named Magenta, and everything eventually intersected at one point where Magenta is pregnant and confronts the husband (who has to explain about Magenta to his wife/"She's a co-worker!"), and it appears the matador might be the father, too. A fight ensues.

I will admit, I should've done some easier/different opening exercises, but I'm used to playing with experienced/intermediate players. Now I know what to do in the event of a missing Wes/Lindsey.

Favorite quote: "I hope you don't mind. I like to put little targets in my porno magazines." *other guy walks away in disgust. guy looks at magazine and laughs* "I remember this one. 'Bullseye!'"