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Working on a project for a class - can you please help?

Posted: October 1st, 2007, 9:32 pm
by skywise

I'm working on a project for a social network and organizations class. Basically, if you are/have been in a troupe, cagematch, or other project. Can you please let me know your troupe name and who did you work with?

This is going into a paper at the end of the semester and will be glad to share the findings with anyone who is interested.

Much appreciated,


PS: If you feel like sending me an email to answer any questions about the project feel free to use my school email at

Paper from class based on the AIC

Posted: December 20th, 2007, 12:14 pm
by skywise

I just wanted to post links to my final paper for my social networks and organizations independent study. It was a lot of fun and didn't realize the AIC had a network structure of a "goldfish"

Thank you for everyone that contributed to the paper,

Elizabeth ... lpaper.pdf ... _actor.JPG

Posted: December 20th, 2007, 2:00 pm
by Miggy
Wow - nice work!

Where the heck would we be without Kacey Samiee?

Perhaps you can do this again next November and we can add a new award for highest Eigenvector Centrality. That's a category that I'm guessing the B. Iden Payne's don't have.

Re: Paper from class based on the AIC

Posted: December 20th, 2007, 4:04 pm
by Dave ... _actor.JPG

This should totally be our new logo

Re: Paper from class based on the AIC

Posted: December 20th, 2007, 4:06 pm
by Jeff
Dave wrote: ... _actor.JPG

This should totally be our new logo
I at least want a T-shirt... Sara?

Posted: December 20th, 2007, 4:34 pm
by arthursimone
Robin Goodfellow is not listed.
This entire study is invalidated!

Limited the study to 2-footed improvisers

Posted: December 20th, 2007, 4:38 pm
by skywise
Sorry, limited the study to just 2 footed human improvisers. Also, the study is incomplete - Read the conclusions.

Still a fun read and Where would we be without Kacey Samiee?

Re: Limited the study to 2-footed improvisers

Posted: December 20th, 2007, 4:42 pm
by vine311
skywise wrote:Where would we be without Kacey Samiee?
I know, but I'm not telling.

Re: Limited the study to 2-footed improvisers

Posted: December 20th, 2007, 4:54 pm
by kbadr
skywise wrote:Where would we be without Kacey Samiee?

Posted: December 20th, 2007, 5:40 pm
by Matt
May we never be that blurry again.

Posted: December 20th, 2007, 11:00 pm
by apiaryist
We are totally the tail of Austin improv.

Posted: December 21st, 2007, 12:05 am
by mpbrockman
I once told Kacey Samiee that I appreciated her Eigenvector Centrality and high Transmission Rate.

She slapped me.

Posted: December 21st, 2007, 1:47 am
by sara farr
This is fun! What a neat image the map is. I attempted a non-programatic version of an improv socail map a couple of years ago (when I started talking about the importance of social networks to my students).

Yours is way better! Wish I could click on names to see the links... I would also have thought (maybe we'll see this in in future versions) that the instructors would be a BIG part of the network. I expected to see more ColdTowne, Heroes, & State teachers listed as hubs within the network. And now we have Tom Bookers school, too.

Future work

Posted: December 21st, 2007, 12:29 pm
by skywise
Thanks! Limitation of the software but that would be a cool feature to click on the names.

Yeah, I didn't have time to expand the study. Though I am talking with the professor about how to expand it. I really do think the instructors really do play a big part and that wasn't captured by my initial study.

Would need more help from the AIC if I were to expand the study.