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Our New Email and MySpace accounts

Posted: February 17th, 2006, 1:21 am
by beardedlamb
I'm really bored so I set AIC up with a group email and MySpace page. They're both free and could actually be used for something. Go to the email to check out how to get into the MySpace page so you can edit it yourdangself, if you're of a mind. the email address is austinimprov At gmail dot com and the pass. is [SORRY. TOO LATE. ask Phil.]

anyway, it couldn't hurt, right?

the myspace page is: if you just want to look at it or link yourself without bothering with the email.


Posted: February 17th, 2006, 1:39 am
by DougeyD
I instinctually and absent-mindedly configured all of this contact information. Now I feel empty inside. I'm a sad, insentient conduit of society.