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Posted: February 8th, 2006, 3:04 pm
by Dave

i am actually doing the giant math problem (wink to andrea) that is the schedule, in excel--right now-- in another window.

i will be presenting a rough draft to the scheduling committee monday evening at kirby lane, get some feedback and make any changes i need to, in order to have the thing posted and presentable hopefully by wed. the 15th, but definitely by 3fer showtime on friday the 17th.

in the meantime, saturdays at 8 reamin open for march and april. if anyone has the gumption to mount a 4 or 6 or 8 week show in that time slot (caveats: advertising&supportstaff are mainly up to you + 1/2 the door goes to the hideout) (upsides: raising your groups profile, exapnding your group's horizons, learning experiences a plenty)please notify myself, Andrea, Rachel, CJ, Chris Trew or Andy c. immediately.


wes's private p.s. early indicators point to the deaf show being friday april 28 style show.

Posted: February 8th, 2006, 4:55 pm
by acrouch
Ideally the 8:00pm show should either be insanely marketable (like Start Trekkin' or a soap opera) or be so insanely good that it builds word of mouth very quickly.

Posted: February 8th, 2006, 9:13 pm
by kbadr
Why don't we bust out Gorilla again if we don't have a better idea?

Posted: February 8th, 2006, 10:25 pm
by Roy Janik
I second the gorilla suggestion. I enjoyed watching it when I was starting out.

Posted: February 8th, 2006, 10:50 pm
by valetoile
yay gorilla!

Posted: February 8th, 2006, 11:20 pm
by mcnichol
We have a gorilla?!!????

Why didn't anyone tell me!

Posted: February 9th, 2006, 12:58 am
by beardedlamb
gorilla? i love gorilla.
if played correctly, it is one of the most rewarding formats for the audience and the players. and the great part is you can do the whole show in character, your directing and your scenes. plus, the audience totally understands and loves to see the other players mess with each other. great format.
not particularly marketable cuz it don't got that immediate "oh, cool" gimmick.
i love it, though. it's also a "heroes" show format, which can only be good for the heroes name if it still exists.

i'd say do it but i don't have to face the consequences or get to enjoy the reward. so...


Posted: February 9th, 2006, 4:23 am
by arclight
Playing the gorilla builds character. It's stinky, sweaty, and thankless, but you get to do anything and you build valuable physicality skills and learn to support the hell out of others. I got to be a bear rug in an Anton Checkov play (here with Lauren Zinn & Sean Hill in a scene directed by LA Theatresports' Dan O'Connor)

Personally, I'd like to see Six Degrees (La Ronde) come back because it's a really compelling and challenging form. I remember more of the Six Degrees shows than any others and that's saying a lot considering we haven't played it in forever.

Posted: February 9th, 2006, 8:36 am
by Evilpandabear
Hey guys. Jay here. Ive put together a new troupe with a few crazy cats. (remember that post from long long ago.) Our troupe & show is called The Great Mundane. We're only going to exist for 3 months as most of our members will be leaving the state or even the country by then.

I think we would be an excellent choice for the Main Stage Slot, as all the improvisers in the troupe are well seasoned, and the format of our show easily lends itself to gaining tons of momentum as well as a growing fan base. The total combined improv experience of all 5 players is over 30 years! Some of our previous troupes/shows include: Start Trekkin', ED32, Girls Girls Girls, Slumber Party Massacre, The Whistling Shrimp, The Well Hung Jury, More or Less and of course, The Heroes of Comedy.

We'll be specializing in long form & reincorporation. The goal of this troupe is to create a world or more importantly, one world. The continuity of each show will build upon all previous shows in that we'll be creating one single world with one continuity. Same characters. Same names. Same places. We'll be slowly building and defining a world that our characters are drawn from and live in. All offers are permenant through out the run. Every show will build upon the next. Every character exists in this world as a major & minor character. Since we only have a limited number of shows, we will have ONE EPIC STORY ARC to span all episodes with a major conflict and a major finale. A season, if you will. However, each episode (show) will have its own story arc as well. Each episode will begin with a PREVIOUSLY ON... segment. Each episode will end with a Cliff Hanger scene. We will have Special Guest Stars & Special Guest Troupes. We've already scheduled time with a photographer to take some promo shots for advertising, and we're already building a website to help maintain continuity for the shows. We're building a world from the ground up and we're hoping each of you comes along for the ride of a lifetime.

Posted: February 9th, 2006, 9:02 am
by mcnichol
Evilpandabear wrote:a bunch of stuff about The Great Mundane
That sounds really cool!

Posted: February 9th, 2006, 1:20 pm
by shando
Evilpandabear wrote: I think we would be an excellent choice for the Main Stage Slot, as all the improvisers in the troupe are well seasoned, and the format of our show easily lends itself to gaining tons of momentum as well as a growing fan base. The total combined improv experience of all 5 players is over 30 years! Some of our previous troupes/shows include: Start Trekkin', ED32, Girls Girls Girls, Slumber Party Massacre, The Whistling Shrimp, The Well Hung Jury, More or Less and of course, The Heroes of Comedy.
So who's in the troupe?

Posted: February 9th, 2006, 3:18 pm
by deroosisonfire
me, jeff, jordan, jay and kacey.

Posted: February 9th, 2006, 3:26 pm
by beardedlamb
are ya'll going to costume it slowly over time? like each show, a character adds a costume item and maybe a prop until by the end of the run, everyone's fully costumed.

ooh, can i guest as the crotchety old man who dies in one episode? or the ensign who gets eaten by the throck beast?

love the idea. love the cast.


Posted: February 10th, 2006, 5:22 pm
by sara farr
(I don't want to steal any thunder from "The Great Mundane" which sounds like a good show, but...)

Just wanted to add my voice to those calling for a new run of Gorilla Theater.