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OoB Flyers and promotions?
Posted: August 29th, 2005, 10:12 am
by Wesley
Are there designed flyers for distribution for Out of Bounds? Perhaps hidden on the website somewhere that I could get my hands on and print out? If there are no flyers yet, may we have leave to design some simple ones?
(I saw one picture of the falling art mannequin, but it seemed too small to be a flyer.)
I would like to help and this Thursday is "First Thursday" on South Congress, which would be a grat place to give out flyers (in fact, for future record, it would be a great place to set up a temp stage and do on location shows to raise awareness about Austin improv). Students are also getting settled in and getting some flyers out on campus would be huge.
(Has anyone spoken to the Daily Texan about getting an article on the festival in the shool paper on M-W of next week? That's about a 50k circulation.)
Sadly, the football game on the 10th is an out of towner, but there is an in-town game on the 3rd, first of the season, and that that's a crowd of upwards of 100 thousand on and around campus (and usually in a very festive mood).
Anyway, I'm just wanting to help and hoping to get some material ready to catch these events. Anything I can do to help bring in the audiences.
Posted: August 29th, 2005, 4:43 pm
by Mo Daviau
No, no, we WANT the festival to be on the weekend of an away game! Local hotels and bars want nothing to do with little old us if there's a game. Seriously. Every hotel I called for special rates told me "no way if there's a football game."
Jon Hunt is your man with the flyers. His e-mail is yodapollo at hotmail
Posted: August 29th, 2005, 10:04 pm
by Wesley
Ahhh, I guess that makes sense then. And, since the out-of-town game is in Ohio, it isn't like people will leave town to travel to it like they would with an A&M or a Texas Tech.
Do you know if there is already a plan for passing out flyers at First Thursday, by chance? I'll write Jon as well. Thanks for the assistance!
Posted: August 29th, 2005, 11:17 pm
by arclight
Craig Kotfas (aka "Craig") is getting the second batch of First Thursday flyers printed so we'll have an assload for distribution by then. We have a very limited supply of posters which are slated for posting at Molotov and The Hideout during the week of the festival. I believe Jon is coordinating the First Thursday handbill action; further, we should be getting some handbills from out-of-town troupes for First Thursday as well.
Not to offend anyone's sensibilities, but the bullhorn-and-placard Jesus freaks across the street from the S. Congress Cafe need some competition. If one were to do street theatre, my preference would be for some "God Hates Shrimp!" action, but I'm too much of a non-confrontational wuss to take those dingbats head-on (I'm much more the clean-hands dust-off-and-nuke-them-from-orbit type...)
Encourage people to actually buy (not just reserve) tickets at The surcharge is 3% + $0.30 which is what PayPal charges us, so it's as low as we can make it and not lose money. We're still looking for volunteers so (I know you've signed up, but for people reading at home...) visit ... volunteers to join the OoB volunteer mailing list. I could use some more box & door people, especially those that may have wireless-equipped laptops at their disposal. I have 1-2 and possibly more, but I'd rather not keep track of all that hardware myself.
Posted: August 30th, 2005, 12:53 am
by Roy Janik
Hey Bob. I didn't realize there was a strong preference towards paying for the tickets now. Makes sense, I guess. I just went the reservation route because I've been paying for everything in cash lately, as part of a new budgeting scheme. But if you cancel my order in your system, I'll go ahead and buy the pass outright. Just let me know.
Posted: August 30th, 2005, 8:43 am
by kbadr
I tried to buy tickets the other day, but it ended up making a reservation instead. I must be daft.
How do I now pay for the tickets I reserved?
Posted: August 30th, 2005, 9:19 am
by arclight
kbadr wrote:How do I now pay for the tickets I reserved?
Don't worry about it - we'll take care of it at the door.
The ticketing system isn't really designed for festival use, it was written in Switzerland, and the documentation is sparse and baffling. Also, Paypal
really doesn't make it obvious or easy to pay with anything but PayPal - you can pay via credit card but you need almost superhuman persistance to overcome PayPal's barriers to making that happen.
The worst part is that is does about 85% of what I want well enough to use in production. Ideally, someone (we? I?) will fix it before next year's festival.