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Posted: April 23rd, 2007, 10:29 am
by Roy Janik
Here is the Austin Improv Collective Schedule for May/June 2007.

But first, a few notes:

1. The official and up-to-date version of the schedule is here: (as html) (as pdf) (as Excel sheet)
These pages will always be the most up-to-date and current versions of the schedule.

2. The order of the troupes performing in Threefer Madness and The Double Barrel is now being scheduled. Obviously, the order may change depending on circumstances, but please try to stick to the ordering as much as possible.

3. When hosting, please try to wear your AIC t-shirts, if you have one.

3. Right now, only AIC shows are listed on the schedule, but other shows will be added over the next few days and as they are announced. AIC produced shows include Thursday Night Awesome, Threefer Madness, The Double Barrel, and The Cagematch.

4. If you have any questions, concerns, gripes, etc, feel free to reply to this e-mail or send me an e-mail me any time ( Also, if you know of scheduling conflicts well in advance, contact me as well.

5. Emergencies/conflicts that come up the night of a performance should be handled by calling Ann Wilson, the stage manager of the Hideout on Fridays. Her phone number will be listed on the schedule once I get it from her.

Again, go to to view the schedule