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Improv in Frontera

Posted: January 31st, 2006, 4:36 pm
by Wesley
Here's an opinion blog I stumbled across in the Statesman on Improv in this year's Frontera:

FF06 - Improv Abounds

Also, here's an interesting blog on "What the Hell is Fringe, Anyway?"

Posted: January 31st, 2006, 5:25 pm
by Evilpandabear
"fearless..." i like that

Posted: January 31st, 2006, 6:39 pm
by kbadr
I like that the consistent thread throughout all the Frontera reviews I've seen has been "Where the FUCK did all this improv come from?!?"

Posted: January 31st, 2006, 9:32 pm
by acrouch
They ain't seen nothin' yet.