converting usernames into actual names
Posted: March 28th, 2007, 3:43 pm
I have a rotten memory when it comes to remembering what username on the forums corresponds to which actual people.
So during a meeting today I did some uber-geeky coding and came up with a Firefox extension to automatically replace usernames with real names.
You need Firefox to use this.
Go here:
you may need to associate the xpi extension with firefox.exe by clicking the browse button to find firefox.exe (probably under "c:\program files\Mozilla Firefox").
And for those who aren't about to jump through a bunch of hoops for something only marginally useful, here's the list I compiled. This mainly includes people who post a lot who aren't using either their full name or first name as their userid:
The Frightful Turpentine: Dave Oberman
deroosisonfire: Christina deRoos
HerrHerr: Chris Allen
shando: Shannon McCormick
York99: Justin York
kbadr: Kareem Badr
sara_anm8r: Sara Farr
erikamay: Erika May
starkserious: Terrill Fischer
acrouch: Andy Crouch
shksprtx: Sean Cooper
valetoile: Valerie Ward
craigy: Craig Kotfas
arthursimone: Arthur Simone
jorge1000xl: James Roberts
arclight: Bob Apthorpe
coelkers: Cynthia Oelkers
Jules: Julie Lucas
phlounderphil: Phil Aulie
macarthur31: Mac Antigua
kaci_beeler: Kaci Beeler
smerlin: Shana Merlin
beardedlamb: Jeremy Lamb
ChrisTrew.Com: Chris Trew
eplischke: Erin Plischke
the_orf: Orf
Evilpandabear: Jay Bernardo
LuBu McJonhson: Brian Roberts
mdalonzo: Mike Dalonzo
chicocarlucci: Eric Heiberg
taminelson: Tami Nelson
yodApollo: John Hunt
vine311: Jason Vines
fbillac: Dav Wallace
DollarBill: Bill Stern
the_reverend: Jordan Maxwell
kaceysamiee: Kacey Samiee
amy_mckenna: Amy McKenna
improvstitute: Ted Rutherford
TexasImprovMassacre: Cody Dearing
Miggy: Michael McGill
MontieSmith: Montie Smith
bradisntclever: Brad
exquisitezombie: Mike Ferstenfeld
Spaztique: David Zimmerman
rharrison: Ryan Harrison
ESeufert: Eric Seufert
hippodog: Sean Hill
So during a meeting today I did some uber-geeky coding and came up with a Firefox extension to automatically replace usernames with real names.
You need Firefox to use this.
Go here:
you may need to associate the xpi extension with firefox.exe by clicking the browse button to find firefox.exe (probably under "c:\program files\Mozilla Firefox").
And for those who aren't about to jump through a bunch of hoops for something only marginally useful, here's the list I compiled. This mainly includes people who post a lot who aren't using either their full name or first name as their userid:
The Frightful Turpentine: Dave Oberman
deroosisonfire: Christina deRoos
HerrHerr: Chris Allen
shando: Shannon McCormick
York99: Justin York
kbadr: Kareem Badr
sara_anm8r: Sara Farr
erikamay: Erika May
starkserious: Terrill Fischer
acrouch: Andy Crouch
shksprtx: Sean Cooper
valetoile: Valerie Ward
craigy: Craig Kotfas
arthursimone: Arthur Simone
jorge1000xl: James Roberts
arclight: Bob Apthorpe
coelkers: Cynthia Oelkers
Jules: Julie Lucas
phlounderphil: Phil Aulie
macarthur31: Mac Antigua
kaci_beeler: Kaci Beeler
smerlin: Shana Merlin
beardedlamb: Jeremy Lamb
ChrisTrew.Com: Chris Trew
eplischke: Erin Plischke
the_orf: Orf
Evilpandabear: Jay Bernardo
LuBu McJonhson: Brian Roberts
mdalonzo: Mike Dalonzo
chicocarlucci: Eric Heiberg
taminelson: Tami Nelson
yodApollo: John Hunt
vine311: Jason Vines
fbillac: Dav Wallace
DollarBill: Bill Stern
the_reverend: Jordan Maxwell
kaceysamiee: Kacey Samiee
amy_mckenna: Amy McKenna
improvstitute: Ted Rutherford
TexasImprovMassacre: Cody Dearing
Miggy: Michael McGill
MontieSmith: Montie Smith
bradisntclever: Brad
exquisitezombie: Mike Ferstenfeld
Spaztique: David Zimmerman
rharrison: Ryan Harrison
ESeufert: Eric Seufert
hippodog: Sean Hill