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That Other Paper needs improvisers for five Internet videos

Posted: February 2nd, 2007, 12:48 pm
by toddross
That Other Paper (Austin's ONLY Paper) is organizing a Valentine's Day contest for the worst date or relationship stories. The top five entries will have their stories acted out by YOU, Austin's best improvisers, and distributed online!

This is where you come in: We need improvisers to act out the stories! Improvisers and troupes will be credited at the end of each video (with a link to your website, if you like). We'll also publish a paragraph or so about your troupe on our website under each video.

This isn't a huge time commitment, and it's great publicity. For more information, please contact me at todd-at-thatotherpaper-dot-com.

Posted: February 2nd, 2007, 12:49 pm
by toddross
I'd like to post the URL for the event, but I haven't made three "legitimate" posts. So here's some BS to decode:

thatotherpaper . com/ austin/ valentines_day_giveaway_stories_of_woe

(Just take out the spaces.)

Posted: February 2nd, 2007, 4:01 pm
by acrouch
Sounds like fun.