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STAG! live and video sketch comedy this Sunday!

Posted: January 24th, 2007, 1:07 am
by acrouch
The following post is from Ben Bartley via Andy Crouch. Ben will give Andy one hot oil massage & a midget wrestling video for posting this message on Ben's behalf:


Hello Funny People!

I wanted to invite you to STAG. STAG is a FREE SHOW this Sunday at the Hideout, 8 PM, upstairs. STAG combines live & video sketches into an hour long party.

STAG is:
Joe Parsons (Master Pancake, The Sinus Show, Cedar Fever - Austin's Crappiest Boy Band)
Scott Chester (Thursday Night Awesome, National Comedy Theatre, lead guitar for Hosea Hargrove)
Ben Bartley (worthless drunk)

We hope you can make it! We also hope you want to be involved in our future video projects!

Thank you.

Ben Bartley
(worthless drunk)


Posted: January 24th, 2007, 1:18 am
by kaci_beeler
sounds like a good time

Posted: January 24th, 2007, 11:41 am
by benbartley
Thanks Andy!

And thanks, Kaci!

It is our second & last (scheduled) event.

I am hoping to post some of our video work on the AustinImprovCollective group on YouTube.

Thanks & hope to see you there.

Sunday, 8 PM, Hideout Upstairs, FREE!

Ben Bartley

Posted: January 26th, 2007, 11:05 am
by benbartley
Reminder: FREE SHOW.

Lots of fun.

Posted: January 28th, 2007, 2:45 pm
by mcnichol

Erika and I will be there...

Thank you from STAG!

Posted: February 1st, 2007, 2:39 pm
by benbartley
I just wanted to thank everyone who came out to the STAG! show last Sunday night at the Hideout. Scott, Joe & I had a blast performing.

We really appreciated the way our fellow improvers handled our noisey, yet lovable homeless man (or was he a pirate). You were able to lull him to sleep with your kind, but forceful "Shhhhhhhh"s.

Scott, Joe & I really appreciate Owen, Erika, Bob, Roy, Kaci and everyone for helping us with him. We have an awesome group of improvers here in Austin and I am lucky to be a part of it.

Thanks again,