Minutes from the Advertising Meeting (Tues. Jan 10th)
Posted: January 12th, 2006, 5:46 pm
Well, we had a very active Advertsing meeting Tuesday (January 10th). Here's a quick run-down of what we discussed and the Improv Action Items™ that were assigned.
1. Roy's updates to the Audience Surveys (ROY - DONE)
Roy did an excellent job updating the audience surveys. The price question was removed, the "general comments" section was changed to "How can we improve your experience" (so as to avoid general comments like "cheese smells funny" and "horses have four hooves"), a disclaimer about e-mail address use was added, and a 2-for-1 coupon for the 8:00 shows was added at the bottom for people that fill these out.
I've made a few hundred copies for the initial weekend. I'll bring a few "masters" to the Hideout and the community will need to get future copies made.
Also, hosts should consider coming out before the shows and pushing the surveys. While people are sitting in the house, just jump on stage, hold one up, and quickly explain that we truely want their honest feedback so that we can make this a better experience for them.
2. Discussed the Campus Schitt initiative (ALL - Ongoing; help wanted!!)
We will need A LOT of help with this. We need people who are available during the day (what days) or who could take a day off. We also need someone to get us table space, and possibly microphones, for the West Mall. Someone affiliated with a campus organization can do this. We will need performers and flyers galore.
We would like ot try to pull this off by the end of the month, but realistically it looks like it will be early February.
Separately, we need to flyer campus pinboards and announcement areas with our new schedule.
3. Discuss press release status (ERIKA - On hold)
Erika (and crew?) sent out a number of releases and they looked great. A process is being developed to make press releases easier for anyone to do in the future. We will come back to this next meeting.
4. Discussed event list status (WES - Ongoing)
I passed out the tentative event list status with events listed not only for Austin, but also Dallas, San Antonio, Houston, and Wimberly (3 full pages currently). I will add events in Waco, College Station, Kerrville, Fredericksburg, and a number of other towns within a short drive. Then I'll figure out a way to present the information in a logical, easy to navigate way. We obviously won't hit every event, but the goal is to be able to look at it on the first of the month and hit the big ones. Individual troupes will be able to hit events they want as well.
I'll post a link to the tentative list this evening. Additions are welcome.
5. Discussed generic flyers status (WES - Ongoing)
I was waiting for the new schedule and prices to get settled before beginning this, so I'll try to get on it in the next few weeks.
6. Discuss outside Austin advertising / Discuss getting brochures to hotels and convention center businesses (ALL/ANDY - Ongoing)
We need to plan a little more on this. As attested to in the other forum, there are several ideas with concierges and bartenders and free tickets. I may call a special meeting on just this topic in the next week if people could attend. Maybe Tuesday at 6:15 before the jam? We can talk about what we need different in a tourist and a local brochure. Tourists aren't going to take classes, but they might want a map, for example.
7. Discussed logo status (Valerie/ALL - Ongoing)
Wow, what a conversation. Please see these other posts for more ongoing information and a passionate, fiery debate: Logo Final Stretch and Iconography. Also, see the original post for most of the currently proposed ideas: Logo!
8. Discussed "Guest Star" initiative (ALL - Ongoing)
Ongoing, we didn't really get a lot done on this front, though Jay said he knows someone in Kinky's campaign. Possible guest suggestions were Kinky Friendman, the Rollergirls (hell they have their own TV show, maybe we could get a mention), Marc Katz, and Amy from Amy's Ice Cream, Alex Jones.
9. Discussed Advertising Plan of Action (ERIKA - On hold)
On hold for now, the plan is to come up with a clear and defined plan of action for advertising short-term (next 6 months) and long-term (next 2 years).
10. Discussed ticket prices (ANDY - DONE)
Tickets will soon start coming in 3 colors (1 for each show) and prices will be $7-$10 for all shows. Discounts for improvisers were briefly discussed, but remained an unsettled question.
11. Rose Bowl Flyer handout (ALL)
We can use the current schedule flyers. See the Rose Bowl Celebration thread for more info
Not discussed in the advertising committee, but in the experience committee, was the concept of a monthly newsletter or playbill. Bob and I will work on designing a prototype. We'll present it at the January 29th meeting. If it is clean enough, we'll try to premier it in February. If not, we'll get them up and running by March. The concept is a foldover sheet of paper. On the inside will be the month's schedule. The outside will contain various troupe information, a volunteer of the month highlight, etc. These can be given out with tickets at the start of every show. They can also be "stuffed" with things like the audience surveys and troupe advertising. One good use of these may be for self-advertising (as discussed in this thread). If troupes made up their own flyers with upcoming show dates, they could stuff them in these playbills on the nights of their shows. People could then, if they liked what they saw, easily know when that specific troupe is playing again. I think it would go a long way toward building individual troupe fanbases.
As always, I'll send out a call for the next meeting time soon. If you want to take part, PLEASE reply with availability so that I can schedule the best, non-conflictng time. All committee announcements will be via this board, though I am also building an e-mail list for people interested in advertsing functions (see me). Currently I'm thinking of having the meeting on either Tuesday Feb. 7th before the jam (no 14th because of the Girls show and Valentine's Day), or Wednesday Feb. 15th.
1. Roy's updates to the Audience Surveys (ROY - DONE)
Roy did an excellent job updating the audience surveys. The price question was removed, the "general comments" section was changed to "How can we improve your experience" (so as to avoid general comments like "cheese smells funny" and "horses have four hooves"), a disclaimer about e-mail address use was added, and a 2-for-1 coupon for the 8:00 shows was added at the bottom for people that fill these out.
I've made a few hundred copies for the initial weekend. I'll bring a few "masters" to the Hideout and the community will need to get future copies made.
Also, hosts should consider coming out before the shows and pushing the surveys. While people are sitting in the house, just jump on stage, hold one up, and quickly explain that we truely want their honest feedback so that we can make this a better experience for them.
2. Discussed the Campus Schitt initiative (ALL - Ongoing; help wanted!!)
We will need A LOT of help with this. We need people who are available during the day (what days) or who could take a day off. We also need someone to get us table space, and possibly microphones, for the West Mall. Someone affiliated with a campus organization can do this. We will need performers and flyers galore.
We would like ot try to pull this off by the end of the month, but realistically it looks like it will be early February.
Separately, we need to flyer campus pinboards and announcement areas with our new schedule.
3. Discuss press release status (ERIKA - On hold)
Erika (and crew?) sent out a number of releases and they looked great. A process is being developed to make press releases easier for anyone to do in the future. We will come back to this next meeting.
4. Discussed event list status (WES - Ongoing)
I passed out the tentative event list status with events listed not only for Austin, but also Dallas, San Antonio, Houston, and Wimberly (3 full pages currently). I will add events in Waco, College Station, Kerrville, Fredericksburg, and a number of other towns within a short drive. Then I'll figure out a way to present the information in a logical, easy to navigate way. We obviously won't hit every event, but the goal is to be able to look at it on the first of the month and hit the big ones. Individual troupes will be able to hit events they want as well.
I'll post a link to the tentative list this evening. Additions are welcome.
5. Discussed generic flyers status (WES - Ongoing)
I was waiting for the new schedule and prices to get settled before beginning this, so I'll try to get on it in the next few weeks.
6. Discuss outside Austin advertising / Discuss getting brochures to hotels and convention center businesses (ALL/ANDY - Ongoing)
We need to plan a little more on this. As attested to in the other forum, there are several ideas with concierges and bartenders and free tickets. I may call a special meeting on just this topic in the next week if people could attend. Maybe Tuesday at 6:15 before the jam? We can talk about what we need different in a tourist and a local brochure. Tourists aren't going to take classes, but they might want a map, for example.
7. Discussed logo status (Valerie/ALL - Ongoing)
Wow, what a conversation. Please see these other posts for more ongoing information and a passionate, fiery debate: Logo Final Stretch and Iconography. Also, see the original post for most of the currently proposed ideas: Logo!
8. Discussed "Guest Star" initiative (ALL - Ongoing)
Ongoing, we didn't really get a lot done on this front, though Jay said he knows someone in Kinky's campaign. Possible guest suggestions were Kinky Friendman, the Rollergirls (hell they have their own TV show, maybe we could get a mention), Marc Katz, and Amy from Amy's Ice Cream, Alex Jones.
9. Discussed Advertising Plan of Action (ERIKA - On hold)
On hold for now, the plan is to come up with a clear and defined plan of action for advertising short-term (next 6 months) and long-term (next 2 years).
10. Discussed ticket prices (ANDY - DONE)
Tickets will soon start coming in 3 colors (1 for each show) and prices will be $7-$10 for all shows. Discounts for improvisers were briefly discussed, but remained an unsettled question.
11. Rose Bowl Flyer handout (ALL)
We can use the current schedule flyers. See the Rose Bowl Celebration thread for more info
Not discussed in the advertising committee, but in the experience committee, was the concept of a monthly newsletter or playbill. Bob and I will work on designing a prototype. We'll present it at the January 29th meeting. If it is clean enough, we'll try to premier it in February. If not, we'll get them up and running by March. The concept is a foldover sheet of paper. On the inside will be the month's schedule. The outside will contain various troupe information, a volunteer of the month highlight, etc. These can be given out with tickets at the start of every show. They can also be "stuffed" with things like the audience surveys and troupe advertising. One good use of these may be for self-advertising (as discussed in this thread). If troupes made up their own flyers with upcoming show dates, they could stuff them in these playbills on the nights of their shows. People could then, if they liked what they saw, easily know when that specific troupe is playing again. I think it would go a long way toward building individual troupe fanbases.
As always, I'll send out a call for the next meeting time soon. If you want to take part, PLEASE reply with availability so that I can schedule the best, non-conflictng time. All committee announcements will be via this board, though I am also building an e-mail list for people interested in advertsing functions (see me). Currently I'm thinking of having the meeting on either Tuesday Feb. 7th before the jam (no 14th because of the Girls show and Valentine's Day), or Wednesday Feb. 15th.