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iconography (logo stuff)

Posted: January 12th, 2006, 2:30 pm
by Roy Janik
Since I'm not much of an artist, I work in the abstract by necessity.

Anyhow, I've been reading a lot about ancient religions lately, so the the idea of simple, iconic logos appeal to me at the moment.

I was playing around today with a sharpie, some old punchcards, and the terrible resolution of the office copying machine.

I'd like to see what some of the real illustrators could do with these concepts:

this is my favorite. It's creepy, gets the "everything from nothing" point across, and would look good blown up on a t-shirt.

Here are several variations that I don't like as much, and the first of which may be a genuine ancient symbol. it's hard to remember:

Along a similar line, but moving away from the cult-like eye motif:

The other idea I had was to just directly translate the slogan and depict everything (the earth) from (an arrow) nothing (circle with a line or just a black square):


I prefer the arrow pointing right, but then it doesn't match the slogan:

more variations:

And finally, here's a symbol I made up in highschool, to represent "hope". It's an abstraction of Pandora's box. That is, a cube with one line missing. It struck me that "everything from nothing" shared a lot with Pandora's story:


Anyhow, I just wanted to post these in the hopes that they inspired someone with more graphic talent to think along abstract/symbolic lines. And because it beats doing work.