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Calendars for Troupes and Groups

Posted: January 4th, 2007, 5:50 pm
by arclight
If you want a calendar on for your troupe or group, send me a PM with the name of your group, if you want your calendar to be private, public, or combined, and the forum usernames of everyone in your group who will have access to it (for reading private group entries or adding events.)

Warning: Gory Details Ahead!

There are a few tricks to using the calendar so I'll use the example of a troupe that wants to keep its rehearsal schedule and member availability private, but make its show schedule public. Complicating matters, the troupe plays in AIC and Coldtowne shows (both of whom have their own calendars) and at the Carosel and the Vortex (which don't), so they don't want to only share the non-AIC, non-Coldtowne shows with the overall Austin Improv calendar that lists everything.

I'd create:
  • A group of usernames from this troupe
  • A private calendar for listing availabilities and rehearsals
  • A public calendar that lists events also listed on the AIC, Hideout, or Coldtowne calendars
  • A public calendar that lists events not listed on the AIC, Hideout, or Coldtowne calendars
  • A private view combining all the troupe calendars
  • A public view combining all the public troupe calendars
plus add the public non-AIC troupe calendar to the overall combined view of Austin improv events.

The advantages of this complexity are that the public can see all their events regardless of location, troupe members can see everything going on, and the Austin Improv calendar only lists each event once. The downside is remembering which calendar shows go on, and duplicating the AIC, etc. events on the second public calendar.

This is easier to explain with a crayon and some butcher paper. Also, it's kind of a worst-case scenario so we can start small and build on it later.

If that hasn't scared you off, send me a PM and I'll hook you up.

Posted: March 10th, 2010, 7:45 am
by KathyRose
Why does the "Calendar" link (above) in the Austin Improv header take you to a CyberBrau page?

Posted: March 10th, 2010, 9:15 am
by Mo Daviau
I'll tell Bob to fix this.