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The Second Annual see.hear.speak. Festival: January 18-20

Posted: November 25th, 2006, 1:53 pm
by ChrisTrew.Com
The ColdTowne Theater would like to announce that we are doing another see.hear.speak festival! This time, the lineup will look something like this:
Thursday, January 18th
Sketch Comedy Competition
[open call for filmed sketch comedy. not just austin-based groups. cash prize for audience award]

Friday, January 19th
Comedians + Music
[there are a lot of comedians using music nowadays to get their funny across, and not just in the aic, you heard]

Saturday, January 20th
One-Person Shows
[sketch comedy, improv, monologue, slide show, whateve - as long as it's comedy]

More details coming soon, like:
official website
ticket stuff

stay tuned!

Posted: November 25th, 2006, 2:16 pm
by Asaf
Yay, I will most likely be moved there in time for this!