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Posted: January 5th, 2006, 1:23 pm
by Evilpandabear
I am going to KILL... PHIL

A good while ago I ran into an old Hitchcock quote, "A friend may help you kill a man, but a true friend will help you bury a body." So like a predictable Jay, I went through my circle of friends asking them, if they would indeed help me bury a body. I must say the response was quit overwhelming. One "true" friend, in particular, went into minute details on smashing the the teeth, chopping up the body, the location of his family chainsaw, and several ideal locations to dump the body parts. Phil, although it has been my life's quest, I understand now more than ever that I may never find Shangri-La; however, I can assure you that your death... will bring me one step closer. It's a shame though as I will be so busy this week. I would hate it if something should happen to you while i'm off eating an alibi sandwhich surrounded by hundreds of people watching me. Sleep Tight.

Posted: January 5th, 2006, 3:44 pm
by phlounderphil
I've got TWO whole troupes to protect my righteous ass, where's your bodyguards Jay?!


Seriously, please don't kill me, it was ALL in good fun. Good clean fun!

Posted: January 5th, 2006, 4:34 pm
by Evilpandabear
to quote the godfather of overacting:

if history has tought us anything, it's that you can kill anybody.

still doubtful?
just look at jesus


Posted: January 31st, 2006, 3:52 pm
by kbadr
I am presented with a conflict of interests.

I told Jay I'd help him bury a body, but I cannot in good conscience assist in the death of a fellow kitten.

'course, Jay never asked me to *kill* a man for him, just bury the body. So if presented with Phil's corpse, I guess I'd help Jay bury it, then avenge Phil's death by clubbing Jay with a shovel.