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michelina, you frugal harlot.

Posted: August 12th, 2005, 1:44 pm
by erikamay
fie on you for your tasty meatloaf of questionable origin!
i am drawn in by your portability, your low low price point
your green box beckoning to me in the freezer case.

lunch time is announced by the bell - a gastronomic yelp
i pull back your corner tab,
heat you
heat you
heat you
for 3.5 minutes.

i finish you in less than 1!
why such small portions you taunting harpy!
scraping the box
scraping the box
scraping the box
with my hungry fork.

Fie on you for your tasty meatloaf of questionable origin!

Ode to Lean Cuisine

Posted: August 12th, 2005, 3:29 pm
by cargill
I think I shall never know, a point friendly frozen dinner better than you.
The new font on your carboard makes me feel like a city girl on the run.
I have come to you in drunken and stoned states devouring your mac and cheese.
When I shopped for my wedding dress, you were the choice I made after the zipper broke.
You are comfort and safety.
You are ready for consumption.
You are.........Glazed Chicken, Salisbury Steak and Lasagna with Meat Sauce.