Your Definitive Thanksgiving Day Party Post!
Posted: November 17th, 2006, 12:37 pm
OK, plans are being finalized for this Thursday's Thanksgiving Day feast. If you are in town, swing on by. You don't have to stay all day but we'd love to see you!
--This is an all-day, casual, come-and-go event (as some people will do either lunch or dinner elsewhere). We'll get started about 12:00 and run until whenever.
--There will be contests! YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE PRESENT TO WIN! (More below)
--There will be a turkey and some sides, but feel free to bring additional side dishes or bread or deserts or drinks/beer or whatever else. (I'll have plenty of plates, utensils, napkins, and cups.)
--There's a couch and some scattered chairs, but feel free to bring a chair or stool if you want a guaranteed place to sit! I'll try to acquire more.
--I have three cats. If you are allergic, take some Claritin in advance!
--Bring whatever else. I don't have cable, but I have a lot of DVDs and a PS2. Bring movies or games. Board games and musical instruments are also welcome! We could warm up our pop trivia muscles.
--I cannot promise it just yet, but I HOPE to be wireless by next week, so there's that, too, if you have a laptop.
--If you are really bored, feel free to dress as either a pilgrim or an indian. Why not?
I live at 1804 Capital Parkway, Unit 21, 78746, near Barton Springs Mall. (Mapquest)
Get on the MoPac southbound feeder at the Barton Creek exit. Go 0.5 miles past the Barton Skyway intersection and turn right onto Capital Parkway. I live in the second driveway on the left past Holly Hill Road.
Parking spaces are assigned so you'll need to park on the street or in the business lot across the street.
I am the last condo on the corner (with the stairs). I'll try to get some balloons or something.
The following contests will be run and really lame prizes will be awarded.
--Name my place!
Roy has the Moonbase, Jason the Hoover's Evil Blanket house, Kareem and Kaci the K.B. Ranch. My place needs a name! For those unable to come write a suggestion in person, you can PM me with your idea and I'll write it up on the wall.
--Hand Turkey Contest
Bring a hand Turkey and we'll hang it on the wall. Best one wins a prize!I'll have limited turkey-making materials "on hand" here as well. Again, you don't have to be here to win, just give me your turkey in advance and I'll tack it up!
If you don't know what a hand turkey is, here are some examples and this site should help as well: How to Make a Hand Turkey
--Pie Bake-off
Open voting, best pie wins! Plus a guaranteed ribbon to first time pie makers! If you cannot be here, but want a chance at the glory, submit your pie to me in advance!
--Best Dish
Same as the pie contest, but with main courses and side dishes!
--Best Dish
This goes to the person with the juiciest new piece of gossip, even if you have to make it up!
--Best Other
This is a totally open award, so vote for who and what you want. Best snack, best drink, best pilgrim outfit, whatever. Since it is totally open, feel free to campaign, else we have a 1 to 1 to 1 to 1 to 1 tie.
Anything I'm forgetting?
--This is an all-day, casual, come-and-go event (as some people will do either lunch or dinner elsewhere). We'll get started about 12:00 and run until whenever.
--There will be contests! YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE PRESENT TO WIN! (More below)
--There will be a turkey and some sides, but feel free to bring additional side dishes or bread or deserts or drinks/beer or whatever else. (I'll have plenty of plates, utensils, napkins, and cups.)
--There's a couch and some scattered chairs, but feel free to bring a chair or stool if you want a guaranteed place to sit! I'll try to acquire more.
--I have three cats. If you are allergic, take some Claritin in advance!
--Bring whatever else. I don't have cable, but I have a lot of DVDs and a PS2. Bring movies or games. Board games and musical instruments are also welcome! We could warm up our pop trivia muscles.
--I cannot promise it just yet, but I HOPE to be wireless by next week, so there's that, too, if you have a laptop.
--If you are really bored, feel free to dress as either a pilgrim or an indian. Why not?
I live at 1804 Capital Parkway, Unit 21, 78746, near Barton Springs Mall. (Mapquest)
Get on the MoPac southbound feeder at the Barton Creek exit. Go 0.5 miles past the Barton Skyway intersection and turn right onto Capital Parkway. I live in the second driveway on the left past Holly Hill Road.
Parking spaces are assigned so you'll need to park on the street or in the business lot across the street.
I am the last condo on the corner (with the stairs). I'll try to get some balloons or something.
The following contests will be run and really lame prizes will be awarded.
--Name my place!
Roy has the Moonbase, Jason the Hoover's Evil Blanket house, Kareem and Kaci the K.B. Ranch. My place needs a name! For those unable to come write a suggestion in person, you can PM me with your idea and I'll write it up on the wall.
--Hand Turkey Contest
Bring a hand Turkey and we'll hang it on the wall. Best one wins a prize!I'll have limited turkey-making materials "on hand" here as well. Again, you don't have to be here to win, just give me your turkey in advance and I'll tack it up!
If you don't know what a hand turkey is, here are some examples and this site should help as well: How to Make a Hand Turkey
--Pie Bake-off
Open voting, best pie wins! Plus a guaranteed ribbon to first time pie makers! If you cannot be here, but want a chance at the glory, submit your pie to me in advance!
--Best Dish
Same as the pie contest, but with main courses and side dishes!
--Best Dish
This goes to the person with the juiciest new piece of gossip, even if you have to make it up!
--Best Other
This is a totally open award, so vote for who and what you want. Best snack, best drink, best pilgrim outfit, whatever. Since it is totally open, feel free to campaign, else we have a 1 to 1 to 1 to 1 to 1 tie.
Anything I'm forgetting?