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Help? Awards Ceremony, Oscar Style

Posted: November 11th, 2006, 2:23 pm
by troy
Hey kids,

I will be presenting the award for best troupe. An idea I had that I'd like to see if I can make fly on 24 hours notice is this: like at the Oscars, when I read off the nominations, we see a "clip" from that troupe. What I'd like is for a couple improvisors to come up and give us a very quick scene emulating that troupe's improv - but not the troupe itself, some others who know that troupe well, or remember a funny scene or line, or would like to spoof their style, etc. All in good fun.

I hope this makes sense. So, if your troupe, or you and a pal, or you alone, would like to be on deck to give us your intrepation of, say, The Frank Mills, drop me a personal email. If I can get a "clip" for each group by tomorrow early afternoon, I'll go forward with this scenario. If I can't, then I'll scrap it.

The nominated troupes, again, are:

Girls Girls Girls
The Available Cupholders
The Frank Mills

Email me directly at:
