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Blank Show slots for Jan and Feb are open as!

Posted: November 1st, 2006, 12:40 pm
by Wesley
Do you have an idea for a Blank Show slot?
Would you like to stop talking about it and make it reality?

Well this is your chance! Finally, you can live the life you've always dreamed of, the one where you get off the couch and run an experimental improv show! Submissions for January and February are now open!

Here are the details:

All shows are Saturday nights at 11:30.
Slots are open for January 6, 13, 20, 27 and February 3, 10, 17, and 24.

What is a Blank Show?
The Blank Show is Austin's most experimental improv show. It is your chance to go all out and do improv beyond the bounds of what you normally do. Shows can be about anything, but in keeping with the spirit of the show the riskier and more exploratory the better. You can do straight drama for example, or hone in on a given skill and amplify it, or unveil a new format. Whatever.
While we should always aim to provide a good time for the audience, if we are truly being experimental, truly risking failure, then half these shows shouldn't work as planned. This slot won't succeed until 50% of the shows fail. SO TAKE RISKS!
What this slot is not is: not just another show slot for a troupe, not just an excuse to play a format that we commonly play but with new people, it is not a rehearsal slot for an upcoming show.

What do I need to do to get a slot?
It's easy! Just PM me on here with you idea. I need a show name, the dates you can do it, and a blurb about the show for the MySpace calendar (short paragraph of 3-5 sentences). I'll go through all the ideas and assign them based on availability and how well they match the experimental theme of the slot.

What am I repsonsible for?
You are responsible for the players and tech for the show. You are also responsible for filling the show slot if you cannot make it for some reason (and keeping me first and foremost in the loop). Filling the show more than 2 weeks out is preferable or else new information cannot make it into publications like the Chronicle.

Well, that's about it, start submitting and have fun! It is somewhat first come first serve so long as you match the tone of the slot, so start submitting now if you want in.