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new format for upcoming blank show, need players

Posted: October 27th, 2006, 6:13 pm
by valetoile
crossposted for extreme visibility

I just came up with a format idea. if anyone is "up" for it, i'll take the blank show on november 4.


A format for 4-10 players.

At the beginning of the show, a suggesttion of a name is given, probably by asking something like, "What was the first name of the first person you had a crush on?" (Jeremy) "What is your father's middle name?" (Craig) "Who was your favorite teacher?" (Ms. McKinney)

"Tonight we will present to you the life of Jeremy Craig McKinney, from 7 up."

Each person will portray the character at a different age, 7, then 14, then 21, etc. At each age the character will have one scene. The division of the ages and length of the scenes can vary depending on number of players (eg if fyou only have four, you could do age 12, 24, 36, 48). In each scene the person playing the main character plays only the main character, and everyone else is support. The overall effect is small vignettes of a person's life rather than a narrativev arc. Some things of course wll carry throughout, but each scene should not be directly related to the previous. It's as if you just happened to check in on this person every so often for their whole life. I haven't seen the series 7-up that this idea is based on, but i imagine that's probably what it's like. I do have it on my netflix queue.

If this sounds like a rockin' good time to try something experimental, let me know and we will claim the night!