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more handjobs and/or flowers from Jill

Posted: October 15th, 2006, 9:56 pm
by improvstitute
Jill will give a handjob or flowers to anyone who wants to help with GSOT on November 5th. Thanks, Jill, for your generosity.

As it stands, I have no confirmed troupe for this date...nor do I have confirmed tech help. I need both ASAP so that I can get the info to the Chronicle (if they will include it this time). So if you want to perform or help with tech, PM me at once. I will re-post once I have those spots filled. I do have 2 confirmed audience members however!!!

So far, we have had 2, 2 man troupes perform and both have been good. This week was the Foolish Mortals, but due to a series of unfortunate events, it was just Troy and me. So, we took Dave and Bob's lead from last week and did a Bassprov-ish show. It was very fun and the audience liked it alot.

Speaking of audience...we had a total of 9 (however, 3 came in late and left right after halftime without paying)...damn potheads. They all enjoyed it and were interested in seeing more shows by the AIC.

On a sad note...Bob Apthorpe has learned to enjoy football. Sorry Bob :(